I remember the days where I used to binge watch The Office until 5 o’clock in the morning with a loyal family sized Kit Kat bar by my nightstand. If there were hidden cameras in my room, you’d think I was undeniably depressed after a long-time breakup – I really wasn’t.

Instead, I was (as most new coaches are when they ‘try’ to start their business) indulging in detrimental habits that were keeping me from building the coaching business of my dreams and attracting clients I absolutely love.

Here’s the thing though, eating a family sized chocolate bar and staying up until the sun came up was not the actual habit keeping me from creating success and getting booked out with clients. There were instead, hidden and subtle habits underneath all of that, which were the true beholders of my lack of success. Believe it or not, I pull in a couple late-nighters with my boyfriend and pick on some unhealthy snacks every once in a while. The difference is that today I do this while still reaching major income milestones and selling out my 1:1 coaching programs.

Hashtag #PerfectlyImperfectBossBabe.

You may be wondering what changed though? Was it the brand of chocolate, the TV show I binged on, or perhaps how intermittent those all-nighters got?

Waaaank! None of the above.

The real shift occurred when I discovered the TRUE habits that were keeping me from succeeding and my decision to change them no matter how uncomfortable it felt.

In this blog post, I want to shine a light on what those habits are so that you too, can become aware of why you actually struggle to find clients you love and change that negative trajectory keeping you from booking them once and for all.

So ready or not, here we go! 

  •  Avoidance

Like I said, it wasn’t the all nighter itself that was the detrimental habit keeping me from booking clients I loved but rather the reasoning behind it. Back then, an all-nighter meant trying unbelievably hard to avoid uncomfortable actions in my business. Perhaps I had some major promotional post planned for the next day and I would sabotage my marketing efforts by staying up all night and creating an excuse as to why the promotional posts didn’t work before I even worked them. I was avoiding the things that would help me create success because I was literally scared of everything. I was scared of things not working out. I was scared of things working out. I was scared of rejection. Judgement. Crickets. And everything in between. Avoidance can look different for you too.  Perhaps you decide to go visit your parents all day when you know you should be working on your content. Maybe you use your kids as an excuse for not following up even though you had 3 hours to yourself today. My favorite one (because it feels more justifiable), you just had so much to do around the house which is why you didn’t have a chance to get visible. Going back to my original example and comparing it to today, my sometimes unhealthy all-nighters are NOT because I’m trying to avoid hard actions in my business but rather because I have finished all of those actions on time and I have the capacity to indulge in things I enjoy (like a late-nighter with Nick, Kettle chips, and a marathon of a binge-worthy show). 

  • Unwillingness to get uncomfortable 

This habit may feel related to avoidance and it is. More than that though, it’s oftentimes the REASON why you’re avoiding important tasks in your business that will help you create the success you deserve. The truth is that growth and comfort simply don’t coexist. If you want to grow your business and consistently book clients you love, you have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Cliche but true. If you find yourself avoiding tasks in your business that you know are a must for your success, ask yourself the following question – does this task make me feel uncomfortable? If it does, there’s your reason for avoiding it and also your solution!

Letting fear steer the ship 

  • Lack of confidence 

Listen, Jeff Bezos himself can hand you over the most perfectly throughout and customized business strategy that will tell you (in detail) what you need to be doing to consistently book clients in your coaching business (this is literally one of things I do with my 1:1 clients). BUT… If you don’t have the confidence as a business owner to take consistent action and execute on that strategy, it’s going to be really, really, really hard for you. Good news is, most business owners struggle with confidence. It’s definitely not just you, I promise. Bad news is that if you don’t address it and move THROUGH the negative habit of not believing in yourself, your programs, and your capacity to achieve in your business… Then you may struggle for a long time to book clients you love. Which is why custom-tailored, 1:1 business and confidence coaching support is often the missing link to finally seeing the results you crave.

There you have it, the REAL reasons why you struggle to find clients you love! Not a lot of coaches are talking about this because it’s sexier to just talk about strategy like Facebook Ads or email marketing, but none of that matters if you don’t address the real habits keeping you from reaching your client goals.



Have you been wanting to work with an expert business coach to help you create a solid marketing plan that helps you CONSISTENTLY book clients?

I have TWO 1:1 coaching spots to my signature, 6-month coaching program Magnetizing Success at a never before seen discounted rate for an Early Black Friday Deal. This is the program that has helped dozens of clients go from overlooked to fully booked in their business in a matter of months.

Book a discovery call here so we can talk about your business, goals, and see if we’re the right fit to make those business dreams a reality!