There are so many ways to grow a business, which is why knowing what to focus on while you’re still working your 9-5 could feel overwhelming or borderline impossible. I personally know how frustrating it could feel when you’re trying to grow a business in order to quit your job… Yet the job itself is preventing you from showing up and achieving success. Because let’s face it, working full-time is ridiculously time consuming.

I also know how deep the desire to quit can be like. When I was working as an executive assistant for a very successful coach and business consultant in my area, I’d journal everyday and write things like ‘Universe, please tell me what I need to do to take my business full-time’.

Growing a full-time business while you’re still working a 9-5, is a topic dear to my heart.

Which is why today I’ll be sharing with you the top 7 things I’d recommend you focus on to grow your business while you still work that draining J-O-B of yours.

7 things I’d recommend you focus on to grow your business so your 9-5 doesn’t kill your business success

#1 Understand your audience deeply: Don’t take for granted the importance of really getting to know who you serve, how you can serve them, what they struggle with, and what they actually want and desire from you and your business.

#2 Create a program around their heaviest problems or deepest desires: After you take the time to understand your audience in a more profound way, take the time to create a program or product that they actually want to buy (not what you think they want).

#3 Boost your inner confidence: It will be difficult to grow your business when you doubt yourself, your ability to help your clients generate results, or even your capacity to grow your business.

#4 Find out where your clients are hiding and go hang out with them: Seriously! Find out where your market audience hangs out and spend a lot of time there making your business visible and known while you build tons of connections along the way.

#5 Sell more: I know this may sound simple but if you want to quit your job, you need more sales. Write more sales posts, hop on more sales calls, craft more sales emails, or even pitch more at live events.

#6 Replicate anything that has worked: If you’ve already made some sales or have booked a client or two, track back your steps and figure out what you did to achieve that. Then, do that over and over again. After all, if it worked once chances are that it will work again with consistency.

#7 Stop focusing on how much you want to quit your job: This one is hard, I know! You’ve got to trust me though. The more you focus on this and not on the strategies and excitement that helps you grow your business, the slower your journey will be. Thinking how much you want things to progress quicker will only drain you and keep you stuck. You really do need all the mental space, emotional energy, and conviction that allows you to take massive action in your business instead of using it to complain about your current job.

Yes, while my last tip may feel impossible at times, I promise you that refocusing on what truly matters is one of the best ways to not let your current job kill your business success. Your time and energy are essential, don’t waste it on the things that are keeping you stagnant.

Are you ready to STAND OUT &  SHINE  online so that you can make 2021 the year your business booms like it never has before? You MUST join the Stand Out & Shine Challenge!

This free challenge is for you if you’re ready to: 

  • Book your next 3 clients with ease and attraction 
  • Done feeling like you’re drowning in the coaching industry and that no one is paying attention to your content & offers 
  • Crush 2021 and leave all your excuses behind once and for all 
  • Learn the exact things I help my clients put in place so that they can become go-to experts at rapid speed (even if they’re just getting started)

THIS is the best challenge that you can commit to in December if you want to master the art of ATTRACTING clients!


Cost: delightfully free
When: December 14-16
Expect: massive business transformation & strategies to help you get clients with ease AND stand out in a crowded marketplace