It breaks my heart to see so many coaches struggle to make the money they desire because they let fears and doubts get in the way of achieving their dreams.

Many of them think that all they need to make things happen is more money, more time, more strategizing. Don’t get me wrong- these things can be helpful, but they’re not why your income isn’t rising to the level you’d like it to.

Attracting clients is really not as difficult as you think it is, but it does require certain degrees of tenacity, commitment, and most importantly confidence.

I’ve been able to help dozens of clients build wildly profitable businesses through my unique framework of strategy, confidence, and intuition and one thing I see is that the #1 thing that makes that journey of success hardest is lack of confidence.

If you can constantly work against THROUGH your thoughts and beliefs that keep you unconfident, your business will boom (like Ricky Martin in the 90’s)!

Which is exactly why today I want to share one of my favorite confidence boosting exercises that will undoubtedly help you earn more money online.

Before I do though, there’s one simple thing you’ll need to understand.

You’re not going to get to the next level by carrying with you current business beliefs that have kept you stuck and broke. So if you want to change your business for the better, you must also change what you believe to be possible for you.

I know from experience how difficult it can be to believe in things you haven’t yet experienced.

For example, if you’ve only been able to make $2,000 a month in your business, operating as if you earn $10,000 a month may feel phony and impossible. Still, showing up “as if” can work wonders if you possess an excellent imagination and already think “it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when”.

However, if you don’t have that confidence and faith instilled in you… I have another exercise that I use with some of clients to help them build their entrepreneurial confidence even if they’re just starting out or having a bad week.

I call it “channeling your inner role model”

If we go back to my previous example, I’m sure you can see how acting as a six-figure entrepreneur at a $2,000/mo level might feel intimidating. How do you even know what a six-figure entrepreneur thinks like, does, invests in, reads, etc? Therein lies the beauty of “channeling your inner role model”- you don’t have to put that pressure on yourself, but instead have to borrow a role model’s belief system and actions.

When I first started out online, I had no freaking idea as to what I was doing. I was new, no one knew my name, and my audience was nonexistent. Simple tasks like creating videos or even setting up a social media channel overwhelmed me. One of the techniques that helped me build my confidence and move forward (even when I wasn’t ready) was to channel my “inner Marie Forleo”.

In any business situation, I would ask myself:

“What would Marie Forleo do?”
“How would she think?”
“What does she believe in?”

So when I “didn’t feel confident to make that YouTube video”, I would do what Marie Forleo would have done – do it anyway.

You can use this exercise with pretty much anything in your business (and your life if you’re looking to boost your confidence elsewhere). You can even channel different people for different things! Sometimes I try channeling The Dalai Lama if I want to be more patient in my relationship for example.

So today, I’m challenging you to try it out for a couple of weeks and see how much further along in your business you go. The best thing about this exercise is that it won’t only get you doing things in ways that confident people do them, but will in turn make you feel more confident. It’s a fact that the more you do the things that scare you, the more confident you’ll feel!

Let me know in the comments below who you’re planning to channel first and what for!?

Pssst… Are you ready to Stand Out & Shine brighter than a Christmas tree so that your ideal clients can’t miss YOU and be attracted to your unique light?

Meaning, you’ll have people constantly asking to work with you vs. you having to chase leads like a madwoman?

Then you must join us for my annual Stand Out & Shine Challenge where I’m going to teach you exactly how you can outshine your competition and stand out in a saturated sea of coaches.


Cost: delightfully free
When: December 14-16
Expect: massive business transformation & strategies to help you get clients with ease