Wouldn’t it be nice to know what the secret to being a successful coach is? To know exactly that if you invested in x course or implemented y strategy, you’d be 100% guaranteed to get something in return.

Frustratingly, that’s not how being an entrepreneur works.

Being a coach/entrepreneur entails taking inevitable risks, facing disappointing failures, and moving through never-ending tough blocks that lie ahead.

Within the uncertainty of these business-building waters, there’s one thing that if mastered properly, can take you and your business to heights you’ve never reached before. This one philosophy can help you grow your business exponentially and with more trust than anything else. IF there was a ticket to success in the coaching industry, this would be it.


This is because success and possibilities always lie outside your comfort zone. Which means that if you do what you’ve always done so you can feel safe and avoid uncomfortability, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten (lack of results). 

In today’s blog, I’ll explain to you why getting uncomfortable is the REAL ticket to success in the coaching industry (+ I’ll teach you exactly how you can start doing this for yourself so that you can start seeing the financial results you seek).

Why getting comfortable with the uncomfortable is the #1 way to grow your coaching business:

One of the things that I help my 1:1 clients understand is that a lot of times, they know what they should be doing; they just may not know how to do it or are simply afraid of feeling the uncomfortability that it requires at first.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you’re a new coach who wants to start making a full-time income online. It has been months since you’ve been thinking about getting that first batch of paying clients.

9/10 times new coaches in this situation know what they need to do – hire support, buy that course, do market research, nail down their niche, create their first signature program, get visible, promote discovery calls, sell etc… However, 9/10 times they won’t take that first step because it just feels so darn scary and uncomfortable.

The truth is though, that it’s the coaches who are willing to take the next step even in the presence of discomfort that’ll succeed in achieving their ultimate goal. It’s these coaches who hire the help, create their programs, get visible, sell, and take action even when it feels anxiety-provoking.

Those who stay in their zone of comfort will continue to ‘think’ about how great it would be to one day do all those things. Which means that they stay in the ‘thinking, wishing, waiting’ stage, rather than move towards the things they truly desire.

How to move through your fears and uncomfortability so you can start seeing financial results:

There are a plethora of ways in which we can move through our fears and take action. Today, I’ll share with you three of my favorite strategies and tools.

1) Acknowledge the fear and become its BFF

Here’s the thing, when we’re taking uncomfortable steps fear will always arise. Fear is here to protect us in a very primal way. So when you’re able to say ‘I see you, I know you’re trying to protect me, but I’m not going to let you stop me’, you can switch your perspective from fear being a bad sign to it being a part of the process.

2) Ask yourself what’s the worst that could happen and how likely is that to happen? 

So many times we let our fears stop us because we make outrageous stories of endless scenarios in how things could end if we choose to step out of that zone of comfort. Maybe if we hop on that discovery call that person will tell us that we suck as a coach, tell all her friends to never hire us, and ruin our business reputation forever…  At this point, we’re so scared at speculations that we choose to not take action at all. So, take some time to think about how likely that really is to happen? Most of the time is not very likely. Knowing this will help you take that next step and hop on that call even if you’re scared.

3) Do daily confidence work

Yes, daily confidence work can help you banish your fears and step out of your zone of comfort. This is because you’re retraining your mind to think differently. Whether this means going for a run, practicing affirmations, or meditating it’s important that you commit to a daily confidence practice. Because as a soon-to-be wildly successful coach, you’ll be moving through your fears every single day. 

7 ways to step out of your comfort zone as a new coach: 

  • Hire a 1:1 coach that can help you fast track your success 
  • Finally decide on your ideal client and niche (no more saying that you don’t have clarity)
  • Put together your business foundations (contracts, welcome packages, elevator pitch, feedback forms etc…)
  • Create your first or next signature program that you can start selling to your ideal clients 
  • Master the art of successful discovery calls and then hop on dozens of them until you get booked out
  • Sell a lot more, yes actually ask people to pay you for what you do
  • Market yourself consistently, get visible, and let people know that your business exists  

So while you may never find one specific ticket to success in the coaching industry, you will find that by stepping out of your comfort zone consistently, you’ll thrive more rapidly! 

Oh, and by the way…

If you’re currently worried because you don’t know how to get started in your coaching journey, I’ve put together a FREE Get Started, Get Clients! Live Masterclass to teach you exactly what you need to do to get YOUR business off the ground and finally start working with paying clients. 

Join the masterclass below ⬇️

Even if you can’t make it live, I’ll be sending out the replay.

Either way, this is THE BEST training you can take this year if you’re ready to take your business to the next level!

You definitely don’t want to miss.