It’s no secret that Facebook groups can be a consistent client-generating machine, if they are started and leveraged properly of course.  While there are so many benefits of running a profitable group, there is one tiny secret that not a lot of people are talking about.

If you’ve been hesitating on starting your group because it’s been hard to prioritize yet another strategy into your already-super-busy schedule, this blog post may very well change the way you look at groups forever and in turn change the way you run your business.

Let’s begin by a simple fact – to grow a profitable online business you need consistent leads.  

You probably know that by now. Just like you also probably know that cold leads turn into warm leads, who turn into hot leads, who turn into clients. The confusion and overwhelm begins when, as a coach, you don’t know exactly how to generate those leads (because there are hundreds of ways in which you can do that).

The first question is are you taking an organic approach (which usually takes more of your time but less of your money) or are you utilizing paid advertisement (which usually takes less of your time but more of your money)?

Most people begin with organic marketing at first because paid advertisement can get pretty expensive, pretty quickly.

Which is exactly where my Facebook group secret comes in.

Facebook groups are one of the best forms of lead generation that I’ve found after 6+ years in this industry. No one really talks about how much free advertisement Facebook is actually doing for you without investing a penny.

Because here’s what happens when you decide to start your own Facebook group:

  • You Start a Profitable Group
  • You grow the group
  • You build engagement and buzz in the group
  • Not only do you start selling from the group but at this point Facebook starts promoting your group FOR you

Yup, you heard that right – FREE LEADS. .

Just to give you an idea of how powerful this is, think about this: 

I bring in anywhere from 1-5 FREE leads per day from My Facebook group without doing anything other than show up and lead the group like a CEO. If I was running Facebook ads, I would have to invest anywhere from $3-$30 per day to bring in that amount of leads into my business. That is a whooping average of $5,040 per year for lead generation that you can get for free with a Facebook group that is optimized for growth and profit.

So while running a Facebook group may not be your preferred tactic, I encourage you at least give it some thought because they not only can be wildly profitable but extremely helpful around lead generation.

Are YOU ready to  Start a Profitable Group? Do you need support and a step-by-step process of everything you’ll need to do in order to start your own group? My Start a Profitable Group mini course is only $17 and it will effectively guide you into setting up your group like a pro so that you can start making money from the very start.